Dissertations for Science Education (SE)

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    Fostering Inclusivity: Evaluating the Influence of Leadership Strategies on Cultivating a Diverse and Inclusive School Culture in a Private School in Dubai
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2024-06) AWAWDEH, EMAN; Professor Abdulai Abukari
    This research evaluates the influence of leadership strategies on fostering an inclusive school culture in a private school in Dubai. The study employs an explanatory mixed-methods case study approach, which involves a close-ended questionnaire to collect quantitative data from 41 teachers and semi-structured questionnaires for qualitative data from three key school leaders. The results indicate that an inclusive school environment is significantly influenced by effective leadership strategies, including cultural celebration initiatives and continuous professional development. Despite the challenges in implementation, the teachers reported favourable perceptions of the leadership's initiatives to encourage diversity. The research concludes that inclusive leadership practices are essential for addressing the diverse needs of students, and it recommends that additional research investigate these strategies in a variety of educational contexts. These results have significant implications for educational leadership and policy, underscoring the necessity of continuous support and development to maintain an inclusive school culture. Keywords: inclusivity, leadership strategies, school culture
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    Investigating Educators’ Perceptions of the Impact of STEM Project-Based Learning on 21st Century Skills
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2024-03) AL-TIMANI, SANAA; Professor Sufian Forawi
    This study investigates educators' perspectives on STEM Project-Based Learning (PBL) implementation and its effectiveness in fostering 21st century skills in private American schools in Ajman, UAE. It also explores how demographic factors among educators influence their views on STEM PBL's efficacy in promoting these skills. Given the limited research in the UAE on this topic, the study aims to fill this gap. Using a mixed-method approach, 116 science, math, and ICT teachers from three Ajman schools (elementary, middle, and high school) participated. Quantitative data were gathered through an 18-item questionnaire covering five dimensions, while qualitative data were collected through interviews with four teacher leaders and open-ended questions within the questionnaire. The findings indicate that the 18 items play a significant role in the implementation and practices of STEM PBL to develop 21st century skills.Teachers identified several challenges, such as managing extensive curriculum content, time constraints, limited resources, and difficulties in interdisciplinary collaboration. Demographic factors like gender, age, academic qualification, or teaching experience did not significantly influence perceptions. However, the grade levels taught had a notable impact, with high school teachers showing greater proficiency in STEM PBL. The study suggests the need for further research with broader samples and larger teacher cohorts. It concludes that while STEM PBL is beneficial, ongoing professional development is crucial to help educators overcome challenges and effectively foster 21st century skills in students.
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    Perceptions of Science Teachers Regarding Instruction that Increase High School Students' Motivation to Learn Science in Al Ain City
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2023-11) ALKHATIB, SARA; Professor Sufian Forawi
    The current study was carried out to investigate the high school science teachers’ perceptions regarding instruction that increases high school students’ motivation to learn science in Al Ain City. The sample consists of 24 high school science teachers selected randomly from three schools in Al Ain City. The mixed-methods design was applied. A questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data, and at the same time, two tools were used to collect quantitative data: open-ended questions and interviews conducted with ten teachers. The questionnaire consisted of 36 items distributed equally among three dimensions: teachers’ attitudes, teachers’ knowledge, and teachers' skills, each consisting of 12 items. To analyze the responses of the participants, several statistical methods were used, including means, standard deviations, percentages, and estimations of the perceptions of instructors. To find the difference between the sample means on the demographic variables, an independent T-test and a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. After reviewing all the results, it appeared that all items in the three domains (attitude, knowledge, and skills) received an agreed-upon estimation according to the science teachers’ perceptions. This result means that all the instructions used in the questionnaire increase students’ motivation to learn science, except item number 26. For the demographic variables, the gender of the teacher affects their attitude and skill in favor of male teachers. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences due to the age of the instructor, and these differences were in favor of teachers who were thirty years old and older. Whereas, there are no significant differences due to the instructor’s qualification, teaching experience, or subject taught. Based on the study results, it was recommended that more research be done. This study recommended that other studies be conducted on science instruction that increases students’ motivation to learn science using a broader sample to include other schools and other educational stages and with a larger sample size of teachers. The study also recommended using the results of this study for the benefit of science teachers and suggested holding seminars and courses for science teachers to demonstrate the best educational instruction they can use to improve science learning.
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    High School Online Science Education: Its Application and Perceptions during COVID-19 in American Curriculum Schools in the UAE.
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2023-01) GHAITH, FARAH
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education, with many schools and universities shifting to online learning as a way to continue instruction while maintaining social distancing guidelines. To gain a deeper understanding of online science education, this study focuses specifically on teachers’ and leaders’ perceptions of online science education during Covid-19. With the collected data, the study was able to identify the difficulties that teachers and leaders faced while teaching science online. This research followed a mixed approach in which a questionnaire was used to collect data from 21 high school educators teaching science in American schools in the UAE to identify their perceptions of online science education (Quantitative). In the other tool, 3 science leaders and 4 science teachers were interviewed to explore their perceptions on the application of online science education (Qualitative). Based on the results of this research, it can be inferred that the effectiveness of science education during the Covid-19 pandemic was not as high as traditional in-person education. There is a need for improvement in terms of curriculum, teaching strategies, and resources for online science education. Future research should expand to include a larger number of schools, educators, and curricula in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of online science education.
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    Investigating the Best Methods to solve linear simultaneous equations and the impact on their high school students' achievement in Algebra: A case study in a private American school in Dubai
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2023-03) AWAD, MARWA
    Solving linear systems of equations is a common situation in many scientific and technological problems. Many methods either analytical or numerical, have been developed to solve them so, in this paper, I will identify the best method among all the methods which are used to solve the linear system of equations for this we need to define some concepts. The most commonly used general method linear algebra is Gaussian elimination, Gauss Jordan, Crammer's rule method, Gauss Jacobies, and Gauss Seidel methods.. In this paper ,I ,will explain these by taking an example. Also in this paper, I will explain the Researcher’s works that how they explain – different methods by taking a different example. And I worked on using these different methods in solving a single example; finally, I will enquire about the best method among them. In this paper, I will explain the real-life application that how the System of Linear Equation is used in our daily life
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    Measuring Critical Thinking Aptitudes of High School Students in a Private School in Dubai
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2022-06) RASLAN, GILAN MAGDI ALI
    For nearly 60 years and more, educators and policymakers have highlighted the need to graduate students who are good critical thinkers, from classrooms to workplaces. To meet the demands of the twenty-first century, critical thinking abilities are essential. Critical thinking is defined as a collection of basic skills that must be mastered before moving on to more complex thinking. In order to gain a better insight into various aspects of critical thinking, the current study specifically measures the critical thinking aptitude of high school students in a private school in Dubai. From a population size of 291 students, 91 students from grades 10 and 11 were taken as a sample size for high school students in this private school. This is a unique study whose hypothesis stressed the science online instructions for students and teachers in the school context. This research is a quantitative, descriptive case study using a modified 40-question W-GCTA test to collect the data. Norms and scoring analysis were done by conducting one-sample t tests, section analysis was done by conducting one-way repeated-measures ANOVA, while independent-sample t tests were used to test demographic differences. The study's findings revealed that the students possess a critical thinking aptitude above the average percentage, with a total score of 76%. This is in contrast with studies discussed in literature. However, other implications regarding curriculum modifications, educational teaching strategies, and teachers’ readiness are needed to foster students’ critical thinking skills. For future research, increasing the sample size by involving more schools would be better, since the present study is focused exclusively on the quantitative data. It is also recommended that qualitative research might also be conducted to obtain reliable and rigorous results.
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    Perceptions of UAE Science Teachers on Effectiveness of Online Science Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2021-05) AL KHATEEB, KHETAM
    The UAE concentrates on maintaining a modern and smart educational development via the well-tailored teachers’ professional development and students’ support with needed skills to utilize technology. The UAE equips all local schools with all needed devices to implement technology and develop new strategies and approaches for the implementation of online learning as implied by the MoE projects and future strategies for education. The current study was carried out to investigate the science teachers’ and cycle 2 and cycle 3 students’ perceptions regarding the preparedness and implementation of the online science instructions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Dubai private education sector. From a population size of 500, 218 were taken as sample size for teachers and students. The study investigated the science teachers and students’ perceptions with regards to possible challenges faced during the science online instruction. This is a unique study which hypothesis stressed on the science online instructions for students and teachers in the school context. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using questionnaire methods conducted online for teachers and students. Two questionnaires were administered into the schools for cycle 2 and cycle 3 students and for teachers Correlations and Regression tests were applied to meet the study’ objectives. The relationship between the various variables were measured through the associative tests, correlation ship in the exploratory factor analysis, selection of the variables through regression, ANOVA and Chi Square Tests. The results found that gender, nationality, and schools do play an important role in the online teaching and learning. The study recommends that more schools must be added and tested for the study purposes. New types of participants to be involved and since the present study is focused exclusively on the quantitative lines, it is also recommended that qualitative research mist also be done to get the rigorous results.
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    The Impact of Inquiry-based Learning on the Critical Thinking of high School Students
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2021-03) AZZAM, LILIAN ABDELNASSER
    The aim of this research was to examine the effects on students’ critical thinking skills using a guided inquiry model with critical thinking test through physics learning. The researcher used a quasi-experiment, with post-test only control group design. The research subjects were 50 experimental group students and 40 control group students. The data were collected through critical thinking test with five description questions to see the student’s critical thinking skills that have been implemented. Then, the data were analyzed using excel statistics and SPSS software. Explanatory sequential mixed-methods approach was utilized in the current study in which the data are collected and analyzed quantitatively first, and then qualitative data were collected in order to fully explain the quantitative data results The current study found that inquiry-based learning approach has a statistically significant positive impact on the high school students’ critical thinking in where the independent T-test results were for t (90) = 7 with a P value equals to 0.000 ˂ 0.05. Moreover, based on the observation through the experiment and students’ responses during the interviews the results showed that students enjoy inquiry-based learning compared to Non-IBL approaches. The findings of the study revealed that implementing STEM-PBL has a great influence on the learning of the students, and that the students participated in the study expressed a positive attitude towards this approach. Students appreciate the benefits of understanding the subject and linking it with real-life problems as well as with the activities involved.
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    Investigating Science Distance Learning Strategies in COVID-19 and their Impact on SOD students in American Curriculum Schools in the UAE
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2021-01) El-Gazzar, Heba
    In modern days, the attention towards technology is massive. For so many years, it has been acknowledged as an important tool in the field of education but it was never a central objective until now. Recently, the need to use technology appears more due to the current global crisis of coronavirus pandemic as a significant educational tool. The main purpose of this study is to examine the effect of using distance learning in the science subject on SOD students’ outcomes from the teachers’, students’, and parents’ perceptions on different cases of SOD students in some American curriculum schools in the UAE. The conduction of this research study has a relevant motive behind it as it clarifies and creates realization regarding the importance of the use of various technical skills in the on-line teaching process in combination with the positive effect they imprint on the students’ learning and attainment. This study explores some different ways the students can gain knowledge from home and interpret the impact and the need for using the technology in this case of the distance learning process. This research study accommodated SOD students in the middle school level subject of science through questionnaires provided to 100 teachers, and interviews with students and parents who represent their children, aiming to accomplish the needed documents that will enhance the analysis of the research questions. The results showed that forty-eight percent of the teachers completely concurred that E-learning needs more mindfulness among parents and students so it can give more advantages to students, and about the same percentage agreed while the rest saw that it does not require any sort of mindfulness. On the other hand, the guardians accepted that distance learning is useful for their kids and it gives diverse learning experiences in contrast with the conventional educating techniques.
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    Face-To-Face, Blended, Hybrid, and Online Instructional Delivery Methods: a Comparative Study of English Language Learners’ Grades in a Mathematics Course in a Higher Education Institution in the United Arab Emirates.
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2020-12) Brashear, Lisa
    Advances in technology have made different instructional delivery methods possible. Moreover, due to the recent world pandemic, instruction has shifted to completely online delivery. This comparative quantitative study aims at investigating whether instructional delivery methods (such as online, hybrid, blended learning, and face-to-face delivery methods) had an effect on students’ grades when teaching mathematics to English Language Learners in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the United Arab Emirates. Final course grades, in GPA format, of 574 students were collected over the course of three academic years. Assumptions of analysis of variance (ANOVA) were examined. The ANOVA revealed that there was a significant difference in students’ average grades between the different instructional delivery methods. Six comparisons were made: (1) face-to-face versus blended, (2) face-to-face versus hybrid, (3) face-to-face versus online, (4) blended versus hybrid, (5) blended versus online, and lastly (6) hybrid versus online. Postdoc tests showed there were statistically significant mean differences between all six pairwise comparisons. Furthermore, this study used Cohen’s d and Hedges’ g for the pairwise comparisons of the six statistically significant results. The results revealed that (a) students scored statistically significantly lower grades in the face‑to‑face group than in the blended group with a mean difference of 0.72 and an effect size of .47, (b) students in the face‑to‑face group scored statistically significantly lower than the students in the hybrid group, with a mean difference of 1.17 and an effect size of .79, (c) the face‑to‑face group displayed the largest statistically significant mean difference of 2.23 lower than the online group, with a very large effect size of 1.49, which was also the greatest effect size of the study, (d) students scored statistically significantly lower grades in the in the blended group than hybrid group, with a mean different of .45 and an effect size of 0.31, (e) students in the blended group scored lower grades than in the online delivery, with a mean difference of 1.51 and an effect size of 1.05, and (f) the hybrid group scored statistically significantly lower than the online group with a mean difference of 1.06 and an effect size of 0.87. Lastly, eta‑squared (η2), and omega squared (ω2) revealed a medium effect size of nearly 12% of the overall group differences. The study concludes that students in the online method had a significantly higher grade with a large to very large effect size compared to other methods. Further studies can be performed to include students’ grades from other faculty, and other classes in HEI’s. Lastly, qualitative research is recommended to analyze students and instructors’ perspectives on why students perform better online.
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    Impact of Implementing STEM PBL Approach on Elementary Students’ Science Academic Achievement in Sharjah
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2020-01) Jarrar, Husam
    Nowadays, STEM education is trendy due to high demand for its professions: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. As the future is in need of improving students with a variety of required skills, many countries are improving their educational systems to meet such high demand. Project Based Learning (PBL), in the STEM education is considered as one of the best practices where the United Arab Emirates is paying a great deal of attention in order to improve the educational system. The current study was carried out in order to investigate the impact of implementing STEM PBL approach on elementary students’ academic achievement in science classes in the UAE. In this study, the participants were from a school in Sharjah that adopts the American curriculum. This study followed the explanatory sequential mixed method approach with focus on quantitative approach. Pretest posttest quasi-experimental design were used to collect quantitative data were one hundred and twelve grade five boys were divided in to control group (57 students) and experimental group (55 students). The experimental group students were taught using STEM PBL approach for five weeks while the control group learned the same topic with Non-STEM PBL approaches. Data were collected using the energy transformation test (ETT) that was developed by the researcher as a pretest and posttest for both groups. Data collected from the test was analyzed using SPSS statistical package. Qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interviews that was carried out with many students from the experimental group after finishing the experiment in order to gain stronger and deeper interpretations that support the findings of the quasi-experiment. After analyzing the data, the results showed that STEM PBL approach has a positive impact on the academic achievement of elementary students in science where the scores mean in the posttest for the control and experimental groups were 6.07 and 7.38 respectively. The independent T-test results between the posttest scores for the experimental and control group was for t (110) = 4.142 with a P = 0.000 ˂ 0.05 which indicate a statistically significant difference between both groups which means that STEM PBL approach enhanced the students’ achievement in science. Moreover, the qualitative results indicated that STEM PBL approach had a positive effect on the students ' motivation, achievement and developing their 21st century skills. In addition, it is found that STEM PBL have an impact on increasing the interest of learners in future, STEM careers. Thus, to provide data that are more reliable it is advised to carry out this study with larger number of students from different schools that follows different curriculums from different levels. Moreover, the current study did not focus on the challenges that may face the implementation of STEM PBL approach, so it is recommended to carry out a research to study these challenges in addition to the role of admins in the implementation of STEM PBL.
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    Exploring Teaching and Learning of Critical Thinking in Private Schools in Dubai
    (The British University in Dubai (BUID), 2019-10) Waqas, Sumiya
    Critical thinking is one of the most desirable skills of the 21st century which is required to meet the challenges associated with today’s modern world of technology. The current study aims to explore and analyze the various teaching methods and strategies utilized by the teachers in private school in Dubai. It focuses on promoting critical thinking skills amongst students. The current research adopts a mix method approach in the research design whereby teachers and students of grades 4 and 5 of a Dubai private school participated. A quantitative research method utilizing teacher and student questionnaires were used and analyzed using SPSS software. Qualitative research methods are utilized to support the results obtained by quantitative methods which includes various classroom observations of grades 5 and 6. Results of the study depict that various teaching strategies are being utilized by private school teachers in Dubai to promote critical thinking amongst students. These teaching methods and strategies include group discussion, brain storming, encouraging students to ask questions and share their viewpoint along with cultivating a sociological classroom learning environment that is conducive for learning critical thinking skills. The results depict that teacher’s teaching strategies have a positive relation with student’s learning methods and increasing teaching strategies also enhances student’s learning. In addition, no significant differences were observed in the teaching strategies and methods in different subject classes and grades.
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    The aspects of the formative assessments on improving the inquiry skills in science classes for middle and high school students in Al-Ain City, UAE
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2019-06) MAHDAWI, WASAN
    Assessment for learning has been one of the growing targeted fields in education after conducting many research and studies globally, which proved how it positively affects the learning and teaching process. Formative assessment (FA) is one type of these informal evaluations, which is used in the classroom nowadays, and it highly leads and assists the students in their inquiry-based learning. This study aims to investigate the aspects of the formative assessments on improving the inquiry skills in science classes for middle and high school students in Al-Ain City, U.A.E. because the Arabic studies about this topic are so few compared to the importance of the inquiry-based learning in science classes. A quasi-experiment was held to study the FA influence on students’ inquiry skills. Add to that, a questionnaire that was performed using the mixed method as another instrument executed to collect data about the topic from twenty science teachers from two-privet school sector in AL-Ain city. Lesson plans were another tool that helped to gather the assumptions of teachers about aspects of the FA on improving the inquiry skills in science classes. The chosen participant were grade eleven boys in a private school in Al-Ain. The results of this research show a positive connection between FA and IBL. Thus, the findings of this investigation, give few suggestions to involve FA more in the educational process, to assess IBL, and to advance learners' achievement in science in the UAE.
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    Investigating Teachers’ Views of the Importance and Use of Critical Thinking in Dubai
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2019-04) SHAITO, SALAH AHMAD
    Critical thinking is needed more than ever to handle various challenges accompanied with the rapid technological development. This study investigated mathematics and science teachers’ views about the importance and use of critical thinking. A sample of twenty-five middle and high school teachers from two private schools in UAE participated in the research. The participants attended a critical thinking professional development and shared their views about eight strategies to develop students’ critical thinking dispositions. The results show that teachers acknowledge the importance of various methods to promote students’ critical thinking, yet they still prefer using traditional teaching methods over student centered learning. Science teachers saw more value in project-based learning and debate while math teachers prioritized questioning and problem based learning for the purpose of fostering their students’ critical thinking. Teachers found a great value in the professional development that they have attended as part of the research. The study recommends further teacher trainings to effectively implement enhanced teaching methods and promote their students to the level of master critical thinkers.
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    Investigate stakeholders’ perceptions of best practices of STEM education in the United Arab Emirates
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-10) MALAKA, SAWSAN
    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is in the transition from an oil-based to a knowledge-based economy. This shift requires a workforce that can develop 21st-Century Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills. In order to make this transition and integrate with the global economy, the UAE must enhance the workforce channels concerned with STEM education to prepare current and future workforces. Schools in the UAE ought to prepare and motivate the students to join STEM careers. This study investigates stakeholder perceptions regarding STEM best practice in the UAE towards developing a STEM model. The data from this study in the UAE revealed that STEM practices are not common and require significant instruction for implementation. The recommendations of this study form a basis for establishing an effective STEM model in the UAE.
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    The impact of STEM project-based learning on the achievement of high school students in UAE
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-12) FOUAD, HANI FIKRY AHMED
    Achieving an effective learning can be achieved by improving the cognitive and scientific skills for the students. STEM (Science technology engineering and mathematics) revealed a wide range of improving student's cognitive and scientific skills.For example, Robert M. Caoraro, Mary Margaret Capraro and James R. Morgan emphasized that STEM PBL helps the students to know how to solve problems. They refer that to the nature of STEM strategy as it describes as an ill-defined task with a clear and complete outcome. This way of thinking improves the student’s cognitive behavior. This improvement because, STEM depends on using problem-based learning to increase literacy by developing the problem solving strategies and the disciplinary knowledge bases. The purpose of the study was to foster the learning through STEM to enhance the students learning by developing their 21st skills, the critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and the problem solving. In order that the significance of this research is : 1)TO investigate the effects of using STEM -PBL in learning by focusing on the 21st century skills.2)To encourage the students for STEM subjects to be used in learning.3)Meet the United Arab Emirates 2021 agenda to improve the education. This study focus on a higher grades students from grade 9 to 12 boys and girls, ages 14 to 17.So it's aimed to be for the both genders. The study occurred in United Arab Emirates, Al Ain city. The students who participated in this study they also participated in two researches had done on 2017 and there were about STEM. The current study follows a mixed-method design by using different tools: 1) A student's questionnaire with open and closed ended questions. 2) Student's interviews were also used to collect more data. 3) Evaluating the student's developments qualitatively by using rubric through the whole project.4) In addition, a quantitative method was used by analyzing the student's questionnaires.5) A prototype of rover was also used to as an important tools to reveal the impacts of STEM-project based learning on the students achievements by developing their 21st century skills. The current study elaborate the effectiveness of STEM-PBL on learning by revealing a vastly and great interest toward the using of STEM-PBL by students.
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    Elementary Students’ Perceptions of Use of Project-based Learning in Germany
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-06) KHUWAYRAH, SAFA’
    Group project-based learning is recognized as an effectual method for involving students in a constructive learning environment that enhance their critical thinking, and gear them with the important skills they may need in their future development. This case study has been conducted to investigate the elementary students’ perceptions of the project led education, and its impact on their deep learning of the scientific context, as well as its’ effect on developing their high learning skills. A total of 59 grade four students from the elementary division of one of the IB international schools in Germany have participated in this study. A mixed method approach has been designed to collect data; interviews have been conducted with the students in addition to a 7-question survey that asked students to evaluate their perceptions and satisfaction of using project-based learning as a teaching strategy for science subject using a 4 points Likert scale. The results have revealed that students have positive attitudes and satisfaction toward enacting project-based learning in teaching science in their schools, in addition to its positive effect on the deep learning of science concepts, as well as acquiring the important skills that students may need in their future
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    The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Laboratory Experiments on Science Education Students’ General Science Laboratory Attitudes and Achievement
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-10) ABUHEJLEH, HANA OSAMA ALI
    The research paper is an analysis of the effectiveness of using inquiry based learning laboratory experiments on science education student’s general science laboratory attitudes as well as achievements. As such, the research question addressed in this analysis is to discern the impact of the inquiry based learning model in determining the performance as well as achievements students in such an academic setting. Therefore, the paper will focus on analyzing all the concepts of learning evident from the inquiry based form of learning, and applying these concepts to the learning outcomes of students. The results prove that the inquiry based model of learning is effective in promoting the achievement of students in general science laboratory, as well as transforming their attitudes positively towards the subject.
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    Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Critical Thinking of Science Instruction and Lesson Planning in UAE’s Schools
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-05) HACHLAF, OMELKHAIR
    This study was done to investigate the pre-service science teachers’ perception of critical thinking of science instruction and lesson planning in UAE’s schools. A sample size of 80 female pre-service teachers participated in this study from the College of Science Education in different institutions; UAE University, Ajman University and Higher Colleges of Technology in Fujairah, which offer training courses in different private and public schools in UAE. Mixed methods and analysis of lesson plans were used to find explicit study answers; quantitative method was used to find clear answers and was analyzed with SPSS software program; the qualitative method was used to support the quantitative methods results, contributing to the analysis of the lesson plans from different levels in UAE’ Schools. The following are the main results in this study from the pre-service teachers’ perceptions: (1) The pre-service teachers have approximately the same level of perception about the effect of critical thinking skills on teaching instruction, (2) the pre-service teachers present critical thinking in their science lesson plans in a clear way but they lack the integration of critical thinking skills in an exciting way. (3) The pre-service teachers need more training to raise their experience before getting exposed to the real education environment. In addition, there are no significant differences between pre-service science teachers’ perceptions in different years study and their level of teaching.
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    Examining the perceptions and practices of undergraduate dental students and facilitators about Problem-based Learning (PBL) instructional approach in the United Arab Emirates
    (The British University in Dubai (BUiD), 2018-03) MOHAMED -ZAIN, AMAL
    Problem-based learning is useful learner-centered instructional approach in which learners collaborate within small groups to solve an authentic ill-structured problem that has no right or wrong answers. However, designing and facilitating problem-based learning can be challenging for instructors as well as instructional designers, especially for learning dental education. Recently many medical and dental schools globally have included PBL in their curricula. Therefore, recently no one has questioned whether the outcomes expected of the learner in a PBL setting are applicable to students from different cultural upbringings. The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions and practices of students and facilitators about PBL as teaching method and what are the issues that have arisen based on their experience and knowledge. The study conducted in fall semester 2017 in dental school in a major governmental university in the United Arab Emirates. A survey instrument designed with twenty-one statements rated on a Likert scale (i.e., from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”) delivered to 340 dental students (n=400) and 82.5% of the students (n=330) completed the questionnaire. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four PBL dental educators to provide knowledge and insights about the challenges they experienced, as well as identifying the key elements of problem-based learning in higher education. Main results included the PBL teaching method was favored by the students as well as their educators. One sample T test for the gender responses were T = - 0.620 and P-value = 0.535 showed no significant difference while One-way ANOVA were T = 4.518 and P-value = 0.001 found significant different between study level in problem-based Learning, ordered, as expected, as follows: Year 5 > Year 4 > Year 3 = Year 2 = Year 1. To conclude the facilitators of PBL and their students appear to be very positive about their experience on PBL in their curriculum. The positive and negative observations appear to be similar in both male and female questionnaire results the difference arose in the year of study the other main finding that there a clear support for the traditional lecture format. Also, a major result of the study indicated that teachers have good pedagogical knowledge about PBL, and have developed their practices but not at the same level of their knowledge.