Emotional Intelligence in Leaders: A Case study of its effect on Team performance in the construction industry of Dubai, U.A.E
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The British University in Dubai (BUiD)
The purpose of this study is to qualitatively examine the relationship between emotional intelligence of leaders on team performance, based on the Emotional Intelligence Inventory test (ECI) of Hay Group.
The population of this research is leaders of the construction industry of Dubai, UAE. This includes leaders from Government Organisations, Private Developers and Project Management Companies. The study sample consisted of 16 leaders/ potential leaders and 27 peers who completed a leadership styles questionnaire and an ECI-Hay group questionnaire.
Four main objectives were set at the early stage of the research. First, explore the theory of Emotional Intelligence and its relation to leadership abilities. Secondly, examine inter-relationship of Emotional Intelligence among leaders and their teams’ performance. Thirdly, investigate the components of Emotional Intelligence present among Construction Leaders in Dubai. Finally, illustrate the effects of Emotional Intelligence on team performance in Dubai’s construction industry.
The Findings showed that team performance is significantly related to emotional intelligence of the leader. A positive relationship found between emotional intelligence, leadership styles and team performance, with leaders who rated themselves as more democratic in their leadership style, also reporting themselves as being able to identify their own feelings and emotional states, to express those inner feelings to others; to identify and understand the emotions of others; mange positive and negative emotions both within oneself and others; effectively control strong emotional state experienced at work such as anger, stress, anxiety and frustration.
In the light of the analysis and the findings of the study, it is highly recommended. to invest in developing leaders and teams’ emotional intelligence through behaviour modelling, emotional intelligence mentoring and certification. In addition benchmarking with emotionally intelligent organisations is important. Lastly Emotional Intelligence should be incorporated in Leadership Development Program as a basic requirement.
emotional Intelligence, leaders, team performance, construction industry, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), project management