The Journey of Gifted and Talented Student In Dubai private Schools (Exploratory Study)

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The British University in Dubai (BUiD)
The purpose of this study is to explore the current journey of the Gifted and Talented students in Dubai private Schools. The study looked at what is offered to such students and offered recommendations on best ways to support them. Such recommendations were based on proposing the best up-to-date international best practice that can be considered as a guide to be applied in Dubai. The researcher relied on mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative). The work involved surveying 51 participants, from 15 private schools in Dubai; to examine gifted education provided starting from gifted education policy, definition, identifications, strategic plans, financial budget, teacher training, support programs and finally evaluation of such programs within the school systems. Moreover, the survey is testing the agreement or disagreement of the participants about two new procedures for gifted education. The first is accelerating gifted students, and the second is suggestion to give all students from early learning stage the gifted and talent support programs and consequently increase the number of gifted and talented students in Dubai. The collected answers showed that the majority of respondents agree that offering the right gifted education enrichment program to average students can help them on various levels. There were other recommendations such introduction of modern evaluation tools and procedures in and out of the schools. This is an exploratory study looked at the important factors of gifted and talented education in Dubai private schools. In term of further research, each factor can be taken as an area of research to dig deeply. For instance, the gifted education enrichment programs and support tools such as Renzulli learning portal. This portal can be tested to check if it is effective enrichment program or if it used in some schools in Dubai. Moreover, the research have been done on the administrative level. A further research could be between high school gifted students. It will worth well to make a research from inside-out to explore what gifted education programs satisfy the gifted and talented students.
gifted and talented, Dubai private schools, United Arab Emirates (UAE), gifted education programs