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Relative Impact of Assistive Technology Diffusion: A Case Study from Abu Dhabi City Public Schools
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Springer, Cham
Thepurposeofthisstudyistoassess and investigate the relative contribu
tion of assistive technology (AT)againstothersixintervention strategies. The student
performance profile (SPP) was used as an instrument for the first time in the Middle
East andintheUnitedArabEmirates(UAE).Thestudyappliedquantitativemethods
and paired t-tests, as well as descriptive and inferential statistics utilizing the data
gathered during the research. This research was conducted at six public schools in
AbuDhabiCity, covering 126 students with Special Education Needs and Disability
5–24. The student performance profile (SPP) was redesigned to suit the UAE educa
tion system and schools. The data was then collected, studied, and analyzed using
Minitab® 17. The analyzed data inferred that Assistive Technology, redesign the
activity or adaptations of specific curricular tasks, and personal assistance interven
tion strategies make similar high-level of contributions to help students with SEND
to achieve individualized education program (IEP) objectives and goals among seven
intervention strategies.
AlMazrouei, R.Z., Thabet, R.A. and Gaad, E. (2021) “Relative Impact of Assistive Technology Diffusion: A Case Study from Abu Dhabi City Public Schools,” in Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, pp. 449–469.