High School Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives of Effective AI Tools Used in Surmounting Challenges in TESOL Contexts in the UAE

dc.contributor.advisorDr Emad A. S. Abu Ayyash
dc.contributor.authorKHALIL, MAALY
dc.description.abstractAbstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitudes of both teachers and students towards the use of Artificial Intelligence tools in educational practices such as teaching methodologies, assessment practices, and learning outcomes. Furthermore, it aims to identify the most effective AI tools used among teachers and students in 2024 in the learning and teaching process. The study also presents some of the recently appearing Artificial Intelligence educational tools used by teachers and students in the UAE and how effective they are in overcoming the challenges encountered by teachers and students. The study uses a mixed method approach—qualitative and quantitative—to reach reliable results accurately. The research sample consists of 30 experienced high school teachers who teach English to speakers of other languages and 45 high school students who are interested in research. The sample is a mix of Emirati and expat participants who live in the UAE. The survey included open-ended and close-ended questions. The questions investigated the teachers’ and the students’ perspectives on using Artificial Intelligence in the learning process, which were mainly positive and welcoming of this new technology; however, this acceptance was accompanied by certain conditions. This study is also important for future researchers and educational leaders as teachers and students have provided suggestions on using those tools inside and outside classrooms. Moreover, the results have highlighted the need for more specialized tools and more training that can help teachers surmount the educational challenges they face. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence , Educational practices , Effective AI tools
dc.publisherThe British University in Dubai (BUiD)
dc.subjectartificial intelligence, educational practices, effective AI tools
dc.titleHigh School Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives of Effective AI Tools Used in Surmounting Challenges in TESOL Contexts in the UAE