The Impact of Integrating Artificial Intelligence on Students’ Learning: Teachers’ Approach and Perspectives from Selected Private Schools in Al Ain

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The British University in Dubai (BUiD)
Determining whether the integration of artificial intelligence in education is a promising technology to develop students’ metacognition or a threat to the human mind leading to unintended consequences has proven to be a problem. Comprising of 132 participants, this study aims to examine the impact of integrating artificial intelligence in education with respect to the teachers’ perspective and approach in private schools within Al Ain, UAE. The main research question targets teachers’ attitudes and perspectives on the impact of AI integration on students’ learning. The goal is to determine a framework which aligns the use of artificial intelligence with existing learning theories. This research delves into the body of related literature, consulting theories such as the three paradigmatic shifts and self-determination theory A purposeful mixed-methods approach is conducted to investigate and analyse educators’ perception, readiness, practice, and potential impact on students’ learning. The key findings identify the need for continuous specialised training programmes, the teachers’ inclusive role in urgently restructuring the automated curriculum, and intelligent learning platforms. The implications of this study provide insights to the educational system in the UAE as it introduces AI into its schools. To conclude, teachers’ perceptions and practice towards AI are fundamental to determine how the integration is implemented into the educational sector, while establishing guidelines with an ethical framework of regulations and creating individualised learning opportunities. Further studies are encouraged to expand wider among educational organisations and institutions in the future.
artificial intelligence, teacher approach, practice, perception, learning platforms, training programmes, guidelines