ALHAJJ, AMMAR ABDULLAH2025-02-272025-02-272024-1122002767 study aims to show that organizations with big data analytics capability can achieve more advantages of the agile supply chain focusing on the key dimensions of speed, flexibility, competence, and responsiveness. The study explored the role of intangible resources of BDAC in catalysing the practices of supply chain agility. The survey was collected from a representative sample of 203 respondents working in different industries and different sectors within Dubai. The data were analyzed through single-liner regression using Jamovi. The measurement model created was reflective and contained a total of 27 construct indicators. The results showed that the big data analytics capability demonstrated has a significantly positive influence on SC dimensions . The study will help the logistics sector in the United Arab Emirates and throughout the world comprehend the necessity and significance of BDAC and to encourage them to continue investing in adopting and leveraging BDA into their process to achieve higher performance and improve their revenue.enagile, supply chain, supply chain management, supply chain analytics, agile supply chain, big data, big data analytics, big data analytic capabilities, DubaiEnhancing Supply Chain Agility: The Catalytic Role of Big Data Analytics Capabilities in Developing Agile Supply Chainsتعزيز مرونة سلاسل التوريد: الدور الحفّاز لقدرات تحليلات البيانات الضخمة في تطوير سلاسل توريد مرنةDissertationDr Sa'ed Salhieh