Khreibi, Rima Abou2014-10-162014-10-162014-07110087 study attempted to analyse Grade 6 Science textbook and classroom instruction questions. The textbook and instructional questions were analysed using the Revised Bloom‟s Taxonomy to ascertain the type of cognitive process and knowledge that is being taught in a Grade 6 Sciencecurriculum in a private international school in Dubai, U.A.E. Since questions play an important role in critical and creative thinking it is important to investigate the levels of questions used in the textbook and during instruction to determine the level of higher order thinking and critical thinking being taught in schools. The research used a qualitative approach of textbook analysis using the Revised Bloom‟s Taxonomy where questions were tallied and analysed according to the appropriate cognitive dimension and knowledge dimension. Based on the results, it was found that lower order thinking questions are more commonly found both in the textbook and during instructions than higher order thinking questions. Furthermore, questions in the textbook emphasized “Remember” process, while instructional questions emphasized the “Understand” cognitive process. The most common knowledge dimension in both textbook and instructional process is the “Conceptual” knowledge. Based on this study‟s findings it is recommended that textbook writers and educators include more higher order questions within curriculum and pedagogy to help improve critical thinking among learners.enrevised Bloom‟s taxonomycurriculuminstructionknowledge dimensioncognitive dimensionclassroom instructional questionstextbook questionsUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Evaluating Textbook Questions and Classroom Instructional Questionsfor Grade 6 Science in a Private School in Dubai based on the Revised Bloom‟s TaxonomyDissertation