ALHARMOODI, SHAIMA2017-09-282017-09-282017-04120009 thesis investigates the effect of stakeholder integration on innovation effectiveness in an open innovation context in sustainable construction projects. It delivers an original contribution to knowledge by developing an empirically validated conceptual model that consists of the main factors that have an influence, and are influenced by, stakeholder integration. These factors, namely leadership for innovation and team identity, were identified and synthesized through a comprehensive review of the existing literature. This specific research intent arose from the noticeable lack of empirical studies relating these aspects and the continuous pressure on the construction sector to keep up with the competitiveness in the market as nations have raised their awareness of sustainable development, globally. The multidisciplinary and multi-party nature of construction projects, especially larger projects, necessitates a well-established framework to integrate the complex network of stakeholders for delivering successful innovation in their projects. To facilitate the analysis of the conceptual model, the research adopts a constructivist qualitative approach and analyses data obtained from three case studies through 38 semi-structured interviews. To ensure the validity, triangulation of three methods of data collection was obtained and rich and thick description of the three cases was provided. The validated conceptual model concludes that stakeholder integration in innovation projects is highly induced by leadership and that these two aspects influence the identity of the team and their perception about the innovation, which consequently affect the effectiveness of the innovation. These factors are in turn influenced by the extent of personal interest in the innovation. The findings of this research provide critical understanding of how stakeholder integration can lead to better management of innovation in general and the conceptual framework can assist construction firms and projects with diagnosing the contextual conditions of their innovation practices. It also can guide firms on their innovation strategies and ultimately increase their effectiveness by identifying the factors that enhance leadership for innovation, stakeholder integration, team identity, and consequently achieve an effective innovation.enstakeholder integrationstakeholder integrationinnovationThe effect of stakeholder integration on open innovation in construction projectsThesis