Gharib, Maha Bin2013-11-132013-11-132012-0570017 WITH DISTINCTIONThis study titled CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND THE BOARD EFFICIENCY IN UAE BANKS, and reached many of the results, where it became clear that the governance of banks is the process of organizing and arranging the relationship between the Bank's management, shareholders, related parties, the regulations makers, and government by monitoring and evaluating performance at various levels to benefit all parties. Governance of banks focused mainly on the sustainability of the business, and environmental aspects play a major role in social sustainability. Good governance is to protect the rights of investors, especially the rights of minority shareholders, including their right to express their opinion regarding the company's management in major transactions, in addition to their right to know everything related to their investments. The concept of corporate governance banks to the manner in which they are monitoring the progress of work in the company by the board and how to achieve accountability responsibility in the face of the shareholders. Governance is a system by which is directing business organizations and control, where you specify the structure and framework for the distribution of duties and responsibilities among the participants in the company, such as the Board of Directors, managers and other stakeholders. And establish rules and provisions to make decisions concerning the affairs of the company.encorporate governanceboard efficiencyUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)UAE banksCorporate Governance and the Board efficiency in U.A.E BanksDissertation