Kazim, Mona Ahmad2013-07-042013-07-042007-1220050025http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/222The dissertation examines a case of a student with visual impairment (VI) included in regular government school in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of this study was to provide an understanding of the provisions and support needed for such students and to promote the means that will allow students with special needs in general and students with VI in particular to benefit from the regular school setting. The data were compiled based on qualitative data collection techniques and strategies according to the objectives and aims of the study. The student was observed in his school environment, and the findings are presented in relation to information collected from the interviews and researchers’ findings from other countries. In addition, recommendations are provided to assist in the development of a better school environment. The conclusions showed that there is a clear and significant need for provisions in different areas, including early intervention, training, and appropriate technology. Professional partnerships are essential to ensuring that policy set by federal law (29/2006) for individuals with special needs, including VI, is applied in practice.envisual impairmentsprimary government schoolUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)special needsregular schoolearly interventionA Case Study of a Student with Visual Impairments in a Primary Government School in the United Arab EmiratesDissertation