SAIF, FATIMA SHAKER ABDULLA2022-01-112022-01-112021-1020206361 resources and contemporary technology become more freely accessible, distance learning courses are growing more popular. New learning approaches have also been developed. In which online learning systems, now have the capacity to increase student participation and engagement, which can also be used to assess students' degrees of positive and negative outcomes during distant learning. Teachers' attitudes on supporting, promoting, and accepting e-learning activities for their students will be investigated in this study. The goal is to gather useful information about instructors' and students' perspectives of distance and online learning in the Abu Dhabi area. The results of this research will help to map out how to increase student and teacher satisfaction and productivity with distance learning during and after the epidemic. To conducting the study, a quantitative approach has been taken to effectively find the data and results for the desired objectives. The most efficient method would be by using the descriptive research technique or instrument, in which it would be used to obtain effective findings from the quantitative research method that would be the research design kind. It is for this reason that a descriptive research method or instrument would be extremely beneficial in obtaining detailed information regarding students', instructors', and parents' personal analyses. Furthermore, effective survey questioning has been done among the respondents to analyze and compile the results of the research-based students, teachers, and parents. Most students have good attitudes regarding the educational learning process and believe participating in such processes to be beneficial, according to the study. Student satisfaction was shown to be influenced by course outline, teacher feedback, self-motivation, learning preferences, engagement, and instructor facilitation. Moreover, when it comes to expressing with academic staff at certain times, students are not restricted or confined in any manner. Due to the pandemic prevalence and repercussions, face-to-face lectures have been replaced with online distance learning, which was considered as an alternative learning strategy based on the use of technology. Such as smartphones, computers, and other devices in both organized and unstructured scenarios.enonline learningCOVID-19distance learningpandemicstudent’s engagementUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)teachers' attitudeseducational learning processAn Analysis of Student’s Engagement During Distance Learning in Abu Dhabi Schoolsتحليل مدى اندماج الطلبة في التعلم عن بعد في مدراس أبو ظبيDissertation