ALQEEQ, MALAK AKRAM JABER2022-07-262022-07-262022-0520172980 emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic caused significant shifts in the United Arab Emirates’ education sector. This study focuses on the country’s transition towards distance learning and its implications on students of determination and their teachers and parents. On one hand, some groups contend that the pros of distance learning outweigh the cons; on the other hand, skeptics argue that the weaknesses of distance learning worsened the academic outcomes of students of determination. Thus, this study analyzes the opinions of 50 local teachers and parents who care for students with special education needs. The study begins by explaining the rationale for exploring the opportunities and challenges created by distance learning. Consequently, the literature review section elaborates the findings of recent qualitative and quantitative research articles about distance education and its effects on conventional learning paradigms. The methodology section explains the sampling criterion and the use of data collection methods such as interviews and questionnaires to acquire valuable findings. The discussion and conclusion sections clarify the root causes of the teachers’ and parents’ perceptions about distance learning. Although several studies have been conducted examining the social and emotional issues of distance learning, few evaluate the teachers’ and parents’ perspectives. Therefore, this study can offer significant insights into the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning measures for students of determination in the Arabian Peninsula and other areas of the world.endistance learningStudents of Determination (SOD)social-emotional skillsprivate schoolsUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)COVID-19Special Education Needs (SEN)The Impact of Distance Learning On Students of Determination’s Educational and Social-Emotional Skills in Dubai Private Schools from The Parents’ and Teachers’ PerspectivesDissertation