Albarbari, Nada Faisal2016-10-182016-10-182016-052013101137 WITH DISTINCTIONOver the past couple of decades, integrating technology into mathematics class instruction has become a rich topic for research attempting to advance the effectiveness of mathematical education and encourage students to engage with their own learning processes. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects on students’ reasoning skills of integrating Web 2.0 writing and discussion applications in mathematics classes by investigating the effect of such integration on students’ motivation to learn mathematics, their attitudes toward writing in mathematics, and their achievement in mathematics. A sequential mixed-methods approach was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data via pretest and posttest surveys, student interviews, and students’ end-of-term exam marks. Data analysis has revealed that Web 2.0 writing and discussion applications have a positive impact on students’ needs for competence and autonomy and hence on their motivation to learn mathematics and their attitudes toward writing in mathematics class, which were found to be highly influenced by their perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the writing practice. Nevertheless, there was no significant effect on students’ academic achievement. Finally, the study implies the need for teachers to differentiate instruction and provide meaningful feedback to effectively engage students with different learning styles and abilities.enweb 2.0reasoning skillsmathematical educationacademic achievementlearning stylesA Study on the Effects of Integrating Web 2.0 Writing and Discussion Applications into Mathematics Instruction on Students’ Reasoning SkillsDissertation