RASHID, ALI OSAMA2021-04-182021-04-182021-0320195984https://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/1838This study aims to investigate the extent of the impact of applying the FCI flipped classroom method on the student’s academic level and academic achievement in private schools in Dubai. The study also investigates teachers ’opinion and their views on the effectiveness of applying FCI and whether it can be used in various subjects and stages of the study. This study was conducted in Dubai in the private school sector, where 51 teachers were involved from two different schools that follow the American curriculum in the education system. The mixed approach (MMR) was also followed in the research method, where a questionnaire was used for the data collection in the quantitative approach, and the focus interview (FGD) was used for the qualitative approach. To collect data, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of 25 open-ended questions and 3 other open-ended questions. In addition to holding a discussion session through the ZOOM application with a group of teachers. A paper was prepared to contain a set of (6 questions) related to the research objectives on the application of the flipped classroom, and the participants took the time and space necessary for discussion. The results were collected and analyzed through the SPSS program, and the results showed that the use of the flipped classroom method in Dubai Private Schools has a positive impact on both the academic level of students, the work of classroom activities, the promotion of teamwork among the students, the transformation of the teacher's role from lecturer to directed to students during The educational session. There were also some opinions indicating that the technical problems related to the Internet and the problems of electronic devices may impede the work of the students of distance learning, and some opinions preferred to reserve the flipped classroom method on literary subjects more than scientific materials.enflipped classroomstudents’ academic performanceprivate schoolsUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)academic achievementdistance learningThe Effective of Flipped Classroom Instruction on Students' Academic Performance in Dubai Private SchoolsDissertation