Wahab, Hasan2013-07-222013-07-222011-0580074http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/340DISSERTATION WITH DISTINCTIONThis research explores the challenges associated with managing the design process in complex construction projects. The study focuses particularly on large airport projects, with their inherent complex stakeholder management to be addressed during the design phase. The aim is to propose a framework that integrates Design Process and Stakeholder Management in the context of Airport construction. The methodology adopted revolves around Modelling and Case Study techniques, to observe and analyse the existing situation and define the model’s variables. This approach involves an extensive review of design documents, organizational arrangements, communication between the different involved parties, and interviews with key personnel and stakeholders involved in the design process of airport projects. In order to develop such a model, an in-depth analysis of the processes and design approach currently employed at a Construction Authority (CA) department in the UAE which is handling the largest airport development in the Middle East, the case studies available provide an excellent framework for this research. Having analyzed recognized design management frameworks, the Process Protocol Model is adopted albeit with necessary modifications to address the research objectives. The validated and enhanced model shows a powerful tool for the design manager to administer and archive the information flow in airport projects, while defining a framework for managing the stakeholders’ requirements. In conclusion, each complex project has very explicit and definite criteria that designers need to consider during the model implementation such as stakeholder network complexity and building size in the presented case study. Therefore, applying it on a specific sector or type of projects requires extensive research and empirical studies.endesign processstakeholder managementairport constructionconstruction projectsUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)Design Process and Stakeholder Management in Airport ConstructionDissertation