ATALLA, WAEL IBRAHIM2024-05-282024-05-282023-1022000034 process of putting an educational curriculum into practice, which includes delivering the planned instructional content, methodologies, and assessment strategies in a classroom or other educational setting, is referred to as curriculum implementation. It includes converting the aims and objectives of the curriculum into practical learning opportunities, making sure that it is in line with academic standards, and making adjustments for the wide range of needs of the students. In order to implement the curriculum effectively, teachers must work together, assess continuously, and be adaptable to meet changing student requirements. The study was conducted in one of the private schools in Dubai. The aim of the study was to identify the challenges faced by school stakeholders (teachers, MLL, and the SLT) regarding effective curriculum implementation and discussed several approaches that facilitate curriculum reform. The researcher included the findings of some studies that have been done related to the topic. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the qualitative method was used. The study included 17 participants. A questionnaire was sent to 8 teachers and 4 department heads. In addition, 5 members of the senior leadership team were interviewed to compare and contrast the views of the teachers. The replies from the interviews and open-ended questionnaires were interpreted using thematic analysis. It was shown by the study that the department heads and teachers have an excessive amount of work related to curriculum implementation. They face unique difficulties in doing their duties. On the other hand, the senior leadership team is in charge of observing and assessing the curriculum in order to ensure that the teachers are implementing it effectively. The study suggests that educational leaders should be responsible for offering direction, encouragement, and a clear vision for the implementation of the curriculum. In addition, policymakers ought to pass policies that promote effective curriculum implementation and deal with underlying issues.curriculum, senior leadership team, middle level leaders, heads of departmentsChallenges in Effective Curriculum Implementation: A Study of Leaders and Teachers in a Private School in DubaiDissertationProfessor Abdulai Abukari