AL MUALLA, SHATHA ALI2022-06-092022-06-092022-072016156100 safety behaviour in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has received much academic and practitioner attention because of the significance of home-based businesses (HBBs) in food safety management. Food safety behaviour in HBBs is vital because many entrepreneurs are increasingly seeking HBB growth and development via innovation. Many food safety guidelines regulate HBB food safety practices. However, prior studies on the impact of managerial variables that affect safety practices at HBB examine a few variables and factors, warranting further studies on other variables that may affect food handlers’ behaviour. Thus, this study develops a model to examine how employee trust, attitudes, commitment, and training effectiveness influence HBB food safety. The study uses a quantitative research design in a deductive approach to test the model variables and their impact on HBBs in the UAE regarding food safety behaviour. Questionnaires were used to collect data, yielding a sample of 183 respondents, after which Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and AMOS was employed for data analysis and hypotheses testing. Accordingly, food safety behaviour, training effectiveness, commitment, attitude, and employee trust (except for the continuance commitment) factors showed significant correlations, influencing employee food safety behaviour in HBBs. Hence, employers should note the role the four variables and their factors play in employee food safety behaviour. They should implement an effective training programme to promote food safety behaviour. Moreover, the findings can help develop food safety practices critical to achieving high levels of preparedness for foodborne disease outbreaks. It can help stakeholders provide information on reducing food poisoning incidents at HBBs by requiring food handlers to assume managerial responsibilities. Keywords: Food Safety Behaviour, Training Effectiveness, Attitude, Commitment, Employee Trustentraining effectivenessattitudecommitmentemployee trustfood safety behaviourhome-based businessesUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)The Effect of Training Effectiveness, Attitude, Commitment, and Employee Trust on Food Safety Behaviour in Home-Based BusinessesThesis