Jahedpari, Fatemeh2013-02-282013-02-282009-0160040http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/43DISSERTATION WITH DISTINCTIONCoordination in natural and arti cial intelligent systems has attracted the attention of many scientists recently. However, little research has been conducted to understand the relationship between local coordination and global coordination. In this thesis, we are interested in understanding heuristics that humans use in local coordination problems when they attempt to achieve global coordination. Our goal is to use simulation to systematically analyze the inter-play between frequency bias and degree bias and the group's ability to achieve global coordination. Frequency bias refers to situations where people make choices that result in the fewest local conflicts; and the degree bias refers to situations where people avoid conflict with highly connected neighbors. First,we discuss a basic background about networks and di erent parts of an empirical research in coloring problem. After that, a heuristic that models human behavior which biases towards node's degree is described. Then, we explain an improved version of the model which is capable to capture frequency bias.Finally, we investigate the e ects of frequency bias and degree bias together,using our developed model, in di erent network structures.englobal coordinationfrequency biasdegree biasHow Global Coordination Can Be Achieved from Local Coordination in Social NetworksDissertation