Daraghmeh, Heba Abdel Rahman2016-10-182016-10-182016-032013201016,http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/866The purpose of this research is to study the attitudes of education leaders in using technology in 13 technology-enriched private schools in the United Arab Emirates. Three research questions were formulated to achieve the purpose of the research. Five hypotheses were proposed in support of those questions. Quantitative methodology was used. Both descriptive and inferential statistical data analyses led to answer the research questions. A survey constructed by the researcher was used as an instrument to identify the technology tools that are being used for presentation, communication, file management, class observation, and feedback collection. The significant effect of gender, age, and years of experience with relative to the six NETS-A categories; Leadership and vision, Learning and Teaching, Professional Practices, Management and Operation, Assessment of Technology Use in Schools and Social and Legal Issues were also explored. The theoretical findings of the research revealed that education leaders need to share the vision of technology use and develop an understanding of the 21st century skills required for a competent digital citizen. Moreover, education leaders need to be prepared for the role in their higher education and the professional development they receive. The empirical findings showed a strong tendency to use technology tools as a substitution of the conventional ones with null, or minimal functional improvement according to SAMR model. Furthermore, no significant effect of gender was noticed on the education leaders’ attitudes in terms of using technology in schools. However, age ranges and years of experience affected particular categories. The three research questions were answered and further research is recommended.eneducation leadersUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)technology toolsBenchmarking of Education Leaders' Technology UtilizationDissertation