Fattah, Ahmed Abdel Latif Ahmed Mohammad Abdel2013-07-092013-07-092008-0520050082http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/228This research presents to UAE political leaders and educational specialists a study of an aspect that constitutes a problem for the UAE education system. This study provides evidence from literature and data gathered in schools to show that the current centralization policy has many implications contributing to the weak performance of the public schools and consequently the weak students learning outcomes. Focusing on Human Resources and Curriculum, the research investigates the management ingredients which need to be decentralized and the type of decentralization which could best utilize them. The research finds that the delegation type of decentralization could provide the best mechanism to achieve the goals of vision 2020 and would provide a supportive environment to the learning site, actors, and process. In an attempt to shape a model for schools which can work best for the delegation type of decentralization, this research consulted the Qatar Education Reform Project, Independent School Management, and similar models of decentralization in the USA. Accordingly, it identified the lessons which could be learned and would contribute to the successful adoption of decentralization policy in the UAE education system. Finally, based on extensive research, the research identifies valid reform strategies and principles for the UAE educations system and its national culture conditions. The research further proposes an action plan to mostly implement the decentralization policy to better develop the UAE public school performance and to achieve the targeted students learning outcomes.engovernance reformdecentralization policyeducation SystemUnited Arab Emirates (UAE)learning outcomesschool performanceGovernance Reform: Stepping Stone to the Implementation of Decentralization Policy in the UAE Education SystemDissertation