Abweh, Fawaz Daoud2013-07-172013-07-172009-0220050048http://bspace.buid.ac.ae/handle/1234/306In order for businesses to succeed, management must keep a close eye on the bottom line. One of the many factors that directly affect a firm's profitability is employee productivity. The purpose of this research is to study the productivity rates on construction projects and the role of project manager to improve the productivity rates by highlighting the techniques that can be used and applied to achieve a noticeable difference in the productivity. Literature review is conducted through referred researches and journals to show different findings and theories related to the productivity rates and the methods of improvement. And then research instruments were used such as work sampling and interviews in order to reach to the final discussions and conclusions. The study shows that the productivity rates of the construction workers vary from one project to another, taking into consideration the type of the activity to be carried out and the surrounding work environment. However, the study also highlights how the project manager can intervene in order to improve the productivity of his workers.enlabour productivityconstruction projectsproject managementImproving Labour Productivity on Construction ProjectsDissertation